Are there events you wish you could attend but just can’t find time in your busy schedule? Are there events you have to rush around and would love to know what you might have missed?
For the Commercial Interiors sector Design Insider publishes in depth trend reports for many leading national and international design events including Milan Design Week, London Design Festival, Stockholm Furniture Fair and Orgatec. These reports cover every aspect of the event from the arrival, exhibitors and seminar programme to new product launches and colour trends.
The most recent event we have covered for Design Insider is the HIX event which is focused on interior products for the hospitality sector, you can download the report here.
Across the two days at HIX our team enjoyed learning about the many new products which commercial suppliers chose to launch at this industry leading event. Within our Design Insider Trend Report we share with you the new product launches which will enable Commercial Interior Designers to answer their client’s briefs and create memory making experiences for their guests. Within the report we highlight the ongoing discussion on sustainability and the varied ways in which the commercial sector is addressing this important topic. We also share examples of the differing ways in which community was created and displayed at the event.
Accompanying our Trend Report is an event highlights film.
Previous Trend Reports include: (click to download)
The Method Touch: We know that when you visit an event you want to know the details of the products but you also want to soak up the atmosphere, in our trend reports we strive to offer both of these things so it’s important for us to mention on only the seminar take-aways but also the quality of the coffee!
Personal Highlight: Being on stage with industry leading designers Tina Norden and Federico Toresi, ready more about our seminar here.